Monday, June 06, 2011

Turismo Carretera Racing from Plenty on Vimeo.

Carburando, the main company that spreads the Argentine motor racing, summoned us to create the openings of its major categories.

The first one was for the exciting TC Track, the most popular category in Argentina, where the rivality is only comparable to that of soccer teams. 4 different brands, incredible popular in the 60's and 70's are part of the competition: Ford's "Falcon" "The Chevy" of Chevrolet, "The Dodge" of Dodge and "The Torino" of Renault.

It is a fight to death among gladiators, who arm themselves in their caves and go out as beasts to the meeting in the track race. They will measure themselves in a hand-by-hand fight in a dark and surrealistic scene.

It only lasts 35 seconds, but it ask for more. Maybe the story will have its end soon.

Directed by: Plenty

Art Direction: Pablo Alfieri

Animation Direction: Pablo Alfieri & Mariano Farias

Concept: Mariano Farias

Car Designs: Mariano Farias, Pablo Alfieri, Juan Martin Miyagi

Compositing & Postproduction: Mariano Farias, Pablo Alfieri

3D Modeling & Textures: Daniel Bel, Pablo Molina, Juan Martin Miyagi

3D Rendering & Lighting: Daniel Bel

3D Animation: Pablo Molina, Cristian Fieiras

Montage & Edition: Mariano Farias, Pablo Alfieri.

Production: Ines Palmas

Year: 2011

Client: Carburando TC

Production Manager: Emanuel Angeli

Sound Design: Indigo Musica

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