Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The circle of Cheese

Very cool stratacut animation for Friesland Campina Cheese company from PlusOne

THE CIRCLE OF CHEESE from Shoq-studio on Vimeo.

making of...

THE CIRCLE OF CHEESE - Making Of from Shoq-studio on Vimeo.

I'd be remiss If I didn't mention the following projects that I think all have bounced off each other leading up to this..  It makes you ponder what counts as plagerism vs apropriation vs homage vs a continuation of the exploration of the process and technique.  I do love how this looks and the process for making ,  I have a fondness for self reflexsive animation.

Shugo Tokumaru "Katachi" from Kijek / Adamski on Vimeo.

From what I can tell, most of this technique was started by a student named Javan Ivey that he named "stratastencil" based on the technique of stratacutting  where rolls of clay are sliced to produce a very odd melty affect of animation that most people know from Peter Gabriel's music video "Big Time" (jump to 3:20)
( I apologize for the quality, this was the best I could find.)

and Here is Javan's piece entitled " My Paper Mind" which I think is brilliant and beautiful

My Paper Mind from Javan Ivey on Vimeo.

and unfortunately . here is an example of a piece that seemed to do more than just pay homage to Javan's piece, and may have crossed the line  ,  created by Ghost Robot for the Bonnaroo festival.
( I still like it, not as much as "My Paper Mind" , and really the only reason I think its close to appropriation, is that it didn't really change all that much, its just the same technique with different story) ( also that wheel looks super similar to the one Javan created)
 and in all Fair ness I don't get permission from anybody to repost this stuff. but I'm also not making any money off of it .. ( this is just a library )

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